Adult Hearing Assessments
An accurate hearing assessment involves a number of different components which provide our audiologist with all the information they need.
These include a detailed history of your ear health, a physical examination of your ear canal and ear drum, assessment of the softest sounds you can hear at different frequencies in each ear and your ability to discriminate the complex signal of speech.
Paediatric Hearing Assessments
Paediatric evaluations vary depending on the age of the child.
A physical examination of the ear will identify or rule out any ear infections or glue ear.
0-7 months:
Oto-Acoustic Emissions (OAE) are performed with a tiny microphone in the ear canal and measures echoes in the inner ear.
8-36 months:
Visual Reinforcement Orientation Audiometry (VROA) conditions your child to turn to look at a puppet when they hear a calibrated sound at each frequency.
3-5 years:
Play Audiometry is a game where your child responds when they hear a sound at each frequency.
5 years and older:
Children are assessed in a similar way to an adult.
Hearing Device & Implant Evaluation
Our audiologist will consult with you to select the best device for your individual hearing levels and lifestyle. As an independent clinic, we have access to all leading hearing devices and implants.
Private Patients
Hearing devices vary considerably in price from approximately $1500 to $4350 per aid, depending on the level of technology and the features you require. A trial period is available for 3 weeks or longer if necessary. During this time, the hearing device will be adjusted to provide the very best outcome for you.
Most private health funds offer a rebate for hearing devices.
Pensioners and Veterans
You may be eligible for a hearing services voucher which entitles you to a free hearing test and free hearing rehabilitation. If needed, the program can also supply you with free hearing aids or an assistive listening device. You also have the option to select and contribute towards the cost of a device with more advanced features. It is advisable to check with your private health fund, as some will allow you to claim a proportion of the additional cost of the hearing device.
Ear Wax Management
Ear wax protects the skin of the ear from water and infection. Ear wax naturally moves out of the ear canal as the skin cells regenerate.
Unfortunately, ear wax is the most common cause of hearing aid malfunction. Therefore regular hearing aid maintenance and management of ear wax is very important.
Using cotton buds increases the risk of perforating the eardrum and often pushes ear wax further down the ear canal. We strongly recommend against using cotton buds, hair pins, and similar objects to clean the ear.
Our audiologists can advise you on the best management option for your ear wax. This may involve softening the ear wax with oil based drops or having it removed by our audiologist or a doctor. If you have a perforation in your eardrum, then no water or oil based products should be used and the ear wax should only be removed by an Ear Nose and Throat specialist.
Tinnitus Management
Tinnitus is a condition, experienced as noises or ringing in the ears or head, when no external physical noise is present. It is often described as a buzzing, whistling, roaring, or humming sound. Approximately 20 percent of Australians suffer from some degree of tinnitus, varying from mild to severe however the percentage of people who are severely affected is small. Tinnitus is not a disease in itself. It is a symptom of a fault in the hearing system, which includes the ears and the brain. Some common causes of tinnitus are Meniere’s disease (increased fluid in the inner ear), exposure to loud sounds, certain prescription and non-prescription drugs.
Tinnitus can be extremely debilitating, affecting peoples’ ability to work or cope with normal life activities. People with tinnitus may suffer from extreme distress, depression, anxiety, frustration and sleep problems. It is common for tinnitus to fluctuate with stress or tiredness.
If you think you have symptoms of tinnitus, it is important to consult your doctor, an audiologist or an ear specialist doctor. They will be able to establish whether there is any underlying treatable cause of tinnitus.
Our audiologists can help you successfully manage your tinnitus to the point where it is no longer a debilitating problem.
In the presence of a hearing loss, appropriate hearing devices can reduce your perception of tinnitus by improving your hearing and reducing the strain of listening. Tinnitus maskers generate a sound to mask the sound of the tinnitus. Many hearing devices today include an optional tinnitus masker which can be enabled if needed.
Hearing & Ear Protection
Loud noises can permanently damage the hearing system and cause a noise induced hearing loss. Protection is therefore an important part of hearing health. Hearing Innovations offers a range of hearing protection options.
Musician’s earplugs for musicians, sound crew, DJ’s, bands or orchestras. These filtered ear plugs reduce sounds by up to 25 decibels while preserving the natural sound quality of the music.
Industrial protection for any worker exposed to loud industrial noises, such as construction workers or heavy equipment operators. These earplugs can protect workers’ hearing by reducing dangerously loud noises by up to 25 decibels.
Water protection is ideal for swimmers or surfers who have a history of ear infections or have a perforated eardrum and need to keep water out of the ear canal.
Hearing is who we are
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